This is just a small fraction of my work. I will add more as time allows.
Bruce Springsteen, Madison Square Garden November 6th, 2013
I was on Camera 2, center of house.
Particle, performing their song “Triple Threat” at The Catskill Chill, 2013
I was on the front of the stage.
The Machine Performs Pink Floyd’s “Time” at Gathering of the Vibes 2012
I was in the pit. The upward, slightly pointing left, lead singer and similarly placed shots are mine.
Twiddle Performs “The Box” at Gathering of the Vibes 2012
You can see me on-stage in a red raincoat. Stage Left.
Dopadosio – “Airbag”, “Paranoid Android”, & “Optimistic” 9/6/13 Catskill Chill. I was all over the place on that stage.
Lettuce Performs “Zigowatt” at Gathering of the Vibes 2012
I’m stage left again.
Roger Waters at Madison Square Garden, November 6th, 2013
I was on camera 2, center of house.
There are so many more I have to dig up…